Christian Mothers Day Poems

Christian Poem For Mother's Day Christian Poem For Mother's DayChristian Poem For Mother's Day Christian Poem For Mother's DayChristian Poem For Mother's Day Christian Poem For Mother's DayChristian Poem For Mother's Day Christian Poem For Mother's Day
Christian Mothers Day Poems
Christian Mothers Day Poems: Mother's day is just around the corner and, although it is very important to remember our mothers not only on Mother's Day but every day of the year.

One way of remembering Mom is through poetry and another is through giving her gifts. Of course, you could combine these and give her the gift of a poem, perhaps on a wood or glass plaque or a canvas print with a poem and a picture, or as watercolor graphics or sculptured Lucite as offered below. poems can more easily convey our deepest feelings than can mere prose many times.

There are many gifts you can choose from but a lasting gift that never wears out is the gift of poem. Enjoy the words and meanings they express and share them with the woman in your life. Share them on Mothers Day or any other special occasion.

Christian Mothers Day Poems

The history of Mother's Day can be traced back to celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods. During the 1600s, the early Christians in England celebrated a day to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. By a religious order, the holiday was later expanded to include all mothers. Mother's Day occurs in the U.S. once a year on the second Sunday of May, while Mothering Day in the U.K. is celebrated the fourth Sunday of Lent. Traditional ways to celebrate Mother’s Day are to take mothers out to dinner and/or honor them with cards, flowers, or candy.

Christian Poem For Mother's Day
Christian Mothers Day Poems

1. IT'S YOUR MOVE-Christian Mothers Day Poems

Life is like a chess game,
With each move,
Move closer to Him,
Plan your strategies
Take your time,
Your eternal life,
Is on the line.

Enjoy yourself along the way,
Be happy in His happiness,
Each day,
For once you make your final move
There's no turn back
No choice to prove,
Check mate,
Where you've planned to stay,
Is Your Final Date.

2. PATHWAY TO THE LORD - Christian Mothers Day Poems

If you feel a strong need
For the Lord to be there,
But have never partaken
In the practice of prayer -
You don't need a talent
For well-chosen words
For the needs of your heart
By the Lord to be heard.
So with trust, cast aside
Shortcomings and fears;
The Lord's always ready
To dry bitter tears.
Sweet peace will unfold
As you follow the path
To total elation
And joys that can last.

3. OUR THANKS WE'LL RAISE - Christian Mothers Day Poems

We find rich blessings everywhere
In earth, on skies above:
All gifts we see so bright and fair,
Have come from God above:
O shall our lips, then silent be?
No, grateful hearts we'll raise
For heavenly gifts, so full and free,
That bless our earthly ways.

4. JESUS THE MASTER GARDNER - Christian Mothers Day Poems

Every seed is sewn with love
And watered with his tears...
Each one is cultivated
By his word throughout the years.

He protects each beautiful blossom
In the shadow of his wings...
Jesus, the Master Gardener,
The Creator of wonderful things.

In His eyes He sees a garden
That is waiting to be grown...
From the smallest little seedling,
He calls each one His own.

Within his little garden
Are folks, like you and me...
Growing stronger in His sunshine,
Where love was meant to be.

5. A TRIBUTE TO MOTHER - Christian Mothers Day Poems

"Strength and honor are her clothing;
She shall rejoice in time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
And on her tongue is the law of kindness.
She watches over the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many daughters have done well,
But you excell them all."
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord,
She shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands,
And let her own works praise her in the gates.

6. MOTHER'S LOVE - Christian Mothers Day Poems

O mother's love, sweet mothers love,
The gift devine from heav'n above,
It lifts our thoughts to realms of light
And bids us see the good and right;
God knew the need of humankind,
The depths of sin our souls might find,
And so to keep us pure and fair,
We have a mother's love and pray'r.
O mother's love, the sweetest known,
The richest earthly gift we own,
For it our thanks shall clearly wing
To reach the throne of God, our King;
Our praise shall seek the Lord of pow'r
For blessing known this festal hour;
Ah, far above all gifts devine,
The love opf mothers brightly shine.
O mother's love, so blest and true,
That guides and keeps our lifetime through:
Through sacrifice and service dear,
Its depth and sweetness shine more clear:
It is to us a precious gift
That lives to bless and bends to lift;
With lifted hearts we send above
Our gratitude for mother's love.

7. GOD CREATED MOTHERS - Christian Mothers Day Poems

When God created mothers
All as lovely as can be,
He made one extra special,
and saved her just for me!

8. A MOTHERS LOVE - Christian Mothers Day Poems

A mother's love, a Mother's care,
A mother's sigh, a Mother's prayer
A Mother's work, and Mother's day,
Leaves little time for any play.

A godly Mother with godly love,
Is treasure from God above,
A godly Mother with godly care,
Has God's help when she sighs a prayer.

Christian Poem For Mother's Day
Christian Mothers Day Poems

Do you like these Christian Poem For Mother's Day ? Then pick one Poem and then sing it for your loving mother :) And Do share these Christian Poem For Mother's Day with your friends and family and let them know about this awesome Source of Christian Poem For Mother's Day :)


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